Mission Statement and FAQ

Why this web site?

This site provides a one-stop shop for supervisor and managers who intend to improve their skills and capabilities. From a newly-promoted first-line supervisor to a senior manager responsible for hundreds of employees, the resources you need are here. Higher-level executives can find their specialized resources elsewhere.

Note: this page can be very useful for executives who would like to help the managers and supervisors who report to them in their career development.

What can I find here?

The site is broken down into types of material. At the right of this page, you will see an area headed “Resources”. Under that are categories of learning assets that you can use as you need them. Currently these are: Management Skills, divided into Discipline/Termination, Finance/Accounting, Hiring/Recruiting, and Supervisory Skills, and Training. You will notice that some items fall into multiple categories. These resources can include tutorials, training classes, blog posts, encyclopedia articles, books we recommend, and YouTube videos among other things. If it looks helpful, we will include it!

How do I use this?

Let’s suppose you have a problem employee. You might want to browse the “Discipline/Firing” section to see if any of the articles or videos there are helpful. If you have a specific problem to research, say one one of  your direct reports seems to suddenly have low morale, you might search this site for the keyword “morale” using the search box at the top right.

You may assume that every training course listed on this site is approved for our corporate use. However, you must still get budgetary approval from  your immediate supervisor for all training-related costs not already included in your budget.

Once integration with our Learning Management System is complete (projected for FY ’16) you will be able to register for many courses with a simple click from this site.

To be sure you don’t miss something useful, click the “RSS” icon at the bottom right and subscribe to this site.

What if I have more questions?

Please use the “Contact Me” link in the menu bar at the top. We look forward to hearing from you, and we very much want all your suggestions and comments. (Note that due to volume, commenting on this page is disabled.)

Islandia Utility Learning & Human Development